Random Choice Generator

Simplify decision-making! Use this tool for fun games, picking random challenges, selecting raffle winners, or deciding which book to read next.

Items to choose from

Lines: 1

Random result

Please provide the input first, then click the "Randomize" button below

Frequently Asked Questions

The Random Choice Generator is an online tool that helps you make random selections from a list of items you provide. It's useful for making unbiased decisions, selecting winners, or simply adding an element of chance to your choices.
First, type or paste your list of items into the input area, with each item on a new line. Adjust the settings above the input field if needed. Then, click the 'Randomize' button in the middle of the output area to generate your random selection. You can use the 'reload' button above the output to generate new random results as many times as you like. The 'clear' button allows you to reset the randomly generated item.
The 'Prevent repeats?' setting, enabled by default, ensures that the same item won't be selected multiple times when picking more than one item. The 'How many items to pick?' setting, defaulting to 1, allows you to specify how many items you want randomly selected from your list.
Yes, you can generate multiple random selections in two ways: 1) Increase the number in the 'How many items to pick?' setting to select multiple items at once. 2) Use the 'reload' button above the output area to generate new random selections as many times as you like, without changing your input list.
To clear the current random selection and reset the output area, simply click the 'clear' button located above the output area. This allows you to start fresh without affecting your input list.
While there's no strict limit to the number of items you can input, for optimal performance we recommend keeping your list to a reasonable size. The number of items you can select is limited by your input list size when 'Prevent repeats?' is enabled. If you're dealing with a very large dataset, consider using specialized software designed for handling big data.

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